Lately, I have been in a complete spinning funk...I've lost my spinning mojo. Since December (oh god, has it really been THAT long) my spinning wheels have been gathering dust, languishing in the corner. That's not to say that I haven't done any spinning whatsoever. I finished plying some singles (since they were a Christmas present) and spent an hour or so "practicing" before I went to my first spinning guild meeting! God forbid I would go to the meeting rusty on my spinning techniques...I'm sure people would gawk and stare at my lack of long draw ability. Other than those two times, I haven't done any spinning, nothing, nada, zilch. So this year's Tour de Fleece probably couldn't have come at a better time. I really need to get back into my spinning grove, after all, what's better than spinning and hoarding gobs and gobs of yarn?
For this year's Tour, I've decided I needed a new challenge. I am re-learning how to spindle spin and am going to spin 6 ounces of Falkland wool, trying to keep the single a consistent thickness.
Without further ado, my progress:
You may be saying to yourself "Dear God, Mary, what in the world HAVE you been doing if you haven't spun since December?" See below.