Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Finished Object: Raise a Glass

I am SOOO behind on blogging!  Lately, I've been on a crazy finishing kick which I attribute to participating in knit-a-longs and stitch-a-longs.  I think maybe that is the key for me to actually finish things...it keeps me on a schedule and accountable.  It also keeps me from casting on too many things and never finishing them!

Anyways, first up is some embroidery!  I found this crazy cute company, Red Letter Day Stitches, which publishes holiday embroidery patterns.  I am in desperate need of holiday decorations, so  I thought it would be cute to have a spot on a wall where I rotate out different embroidery decorations, based on the season/holiday.  When I found the company, they had just released Raise a Glass, their St. Patrick's Day pattern.  I was totally on board!  Without further ado, here is my finished project!

Once I purchased the pattern, which was only $4, I received a pdf of the instructions and the design.  I think in order to get the picture sizing right, you are supposed to print it out, THEN trace it onto the fabric.  For some reason, I felt the need to skip that step and just traced it from my computer screen, ugh!  My picture ended up just a hair too big to fit nicely in a 6 inch hoop.  Whoops.

I participated in their stitch-a-long, which was nice because as I mentioned at the beginning of this post stitch-a-longs keep me on track.  Well, guess what!  I was wonderfully surprised because I ended up winning a pattern subscription!  How awesome is that?!

Next up is the Bunny Hoop, which was just released today.  Isn't it just too cute to handle?!!  I can't wait to get home to start it!!!!  This time, I'm going to PRINT the pdf first!

Bunny Hoop by Katie Canavan!

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